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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Are you happy? Or not? You deserve the best!

I’m sure many of you are not happy with your lives. I personally have met people who say “There is nothing much in life, let it go the way it is.” But where? Where do you think your life would direct you to? Don’t you think you deserve better?

Though a person with flaws than skills, I’ve managed to believe in one thing. “You design your life, not they!”. Coming from a conservative family in South India, you can imagine how it would be for me to them. But trust me, these tough phases will pass in a snap of a finger and there are good times ahead.

Enough of beating around the bush. Let me ask you right in your face, are you happy at the moment? If the immediate answer that came to you was “Yes, I am!”, I too am happy about it. Otherwise it is a concern to me as I believe and wish that every being born to this world deserves care, comfort and happiness.

Now how can you be happy? Don’t break your heads on that. It’s simple. Do what you love to do and do it for yourself. Stop living for others and start living for yourself. Are you concerned about your family, friends or even society? How many of them would be ready to sacrifice their dreams, likes and wishes for your sake? None, trust me, none! If they have their lives, why can’t you too know what happiness is?

Go ahead and treat yourself to something you’ve always wanted to do. Fight for your rights. That’s something you can learn from our politicians. Even if they don’t prove anything, they are good at convincing others that they’re right! So get inspired by such silly things you see around and move on. Life is not just about exams, deadlines, profit in business, etc. Life happens when you live your dream. Go make it happen. Good luck!

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